In addition to original writing (particularly on themes of East Coast/West Coast cities, cultures, and ecologies), we welcome ekphrastic writing that imitates, borrows from, challenges, or is in conversation with work we have previously published. Writers from anywhere in the world can submit.
Poetry: 5 poems max. Titles preferred. Translations welcome.
Creative nonfiction, book reviews, critiques, think pieces, braided essays, and similar: 1,000-3,000 words, though this is not a hard rule.
Photography, art: Submit up to 10 photos or works of art using the highest image/file quality possible.
While hybrid, experimental, or cross-genre works are welcome, we do not accept AI-generated text or images. We do not accept writing that espouses bigotry or hateful attitudes toward any group.
Simultaneous submissions are allowed. Upon acceptance with us, please withdraw your work from other consideration. We do not accept reprints. Prior contributors should wait six months to submit again.
See full guidelines on Submittable.​