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David Capps






Late Arrival to the Cherry Blossom Festival, Wooster Square

Past-peak white blossoms
in someone’s flower garden—
a bright red syringe.








Can Collecting


across from the historic green

buried skeletons cradled

deep in what remains of elms


a baby stroller

stuffed to the gills with empties

and no one in sight


to push

this aluminum living, a means

of dying


at least


they have mowed the green—

the smell of fresh grass before

it is littered


the smell of stale beer before

it is littered again​​​





Late Arrival to the Cherry Blossom FestivalDavid Capps
00:00 / 00:15
Can CollectingDavid Capps
00:00 / 00:31

David Capps is a philosophy professor and writer living in New Haven, CT. He is the author of six chapbooks: Poems from the First Voyage (The Nasiona Press, 2019), A Non-Grecian Non-Urn (Yavanika Press, 2019), Colossi (Kelsay Books, 2020), On the Great Duration of Life (Schism Neuronics, 2023), Fever in Bodrum (Bottlecap Press, 2024), and Wheatfield with a Reaper (Akinoga Press, forthcoming). His latest work is featured in Impost, Bombay Gin, The Classical Outlook, and Midnight Chem.

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